Welcome to Kairos Edge

The ONLY Marketing and Lead Generation
System for Your Advisor Business

When you “Google” yourself — what comes up? What does your online presence say about you and your business?

92% of people search the internet before considering any level of relationship — how you show up online matters. Do you post regularly to social media about your business? What makes you STAND OUT online?

Kairos Edge is the All-in-One Marketing system
you need to build your business and become
the top Advisor in your market.

  • Lead Generation

  • Database Marketing

  • Social Media Marketing

  • Authorship and Internet Credentials

  • Marketing and Development Strategies

  • And More!

Meet Kairos Edge

Here’s How Kairos Edge Helps


Partnered with Annuity.com one of the top financial websites, Kairos Edge helps you generate a constant stream of leads.


Our unique system provides you with a suite of tools to nurture your database and convert them to clients. These tools include specialized marketing to increase your visibility and raise you above the competition.


Posting on social media can feel like having a second job. Our Artificial Intelligence (AI) Social Media strategy ensures that your Social Media content is up-to-date and relevant to your audience so you can maximize your impact with minimal time or expense.


Kairos Edge increases your online presence and makes you the retirement authority. National platform press releases and topical articles all build your online presence.

Success Stories

Who Needs Kairos Edge?

The internet has changed how people do business and get advice. What hasn’t changed is that people do business with professionals they know, like, and trust. Kairos Edge helps bridge the trust gap by establishing a true online presence for Advisors. With that in mind — you should consider Kairso Edge if…

  • Your business has little or no online presence which means you are missing online lead opportunities.

  • You want to diversify lead generation and establish a presence that communicates trust and expertise.

  • You want to outsource your marketing so that you can focus on sales.

  • You want to connect with your database and convert prospects to clients .


Become a Kairos Edge Member

Building your retirement business starts with a decision to become a Kairos Edge Member. Select a payment plan that fits your monthly budget, and we will begin creating your online profile.

The Process


Share Credentials & Background

We will work with you to get all of the information to set up your online profile, build your internet credentials, and start our nurturing process with contacts that you upload into your database.


Start Generating New Leads

Once everything is in place our marketing powerhouse begins creating opportunities to speak to prospects on a daily basis. To help you know who to call we provide you with a daily lead report.

What’s Included

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It’s time to stop depending on buying leads and referrals to build your business.

Add Social Media, Authorship, Press Releases, and more to begin turning interest into action.